«Same time, Next Year» heading to Madrid

Un Cop L’Any, adaptation of Broadway’s classic Same Time, Next Year turned out a hit in Barcelona, becoming the most succesful comedy to ever be staged at the Poliorama Theatre. Starring Goya-winner David Verdaguer and Mar Uldemolins the show went full-house almost every night, specially once the word-of-mouth effect took its toll… critics and audiences loved it! This success in Barcelona made way for its next step: opening in Madrid, which will take place during Spring’18 as Una Vez al Año.

Bernard Slade’s original play followed a couple of lovers for three decades, as they met once a year in the same hotel. Through their fears, worries and problems Slade delivered a witty reflection of American society, something which will be adapted to the Spanish reality from the Transition days to the colorful 90’s…

El 27 febrero, 2018 en Cow Theatre, News

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